We have taken feedback from several groups in our College community and have finalised the phasing in process of the new uniform. In 2025 all Year 7 and 10 students will be required to wear the new uniform. Year 8, 9, 11 and 12 students will continue to wear the current uniform. By 2027, the new uniform will be worn by all students.
We acknowledge that Year 10 students in 2025 will need to replace their required uniform. We encourage you to do this gradually, such as postponing the purchase of winter uniforms until the end of Term 1. For Year 9 students in 2024, we will adjust our uniform policy so they won't need to buy items that will be obsolete in 2025. Further details will be communicated soon.
A reminder that secondhand items can be sold and bought through the sustainable school shop - Sustainable School Shop - Second hand Textbooks, Uniforms etc. This may help in finding and selling pieces of our current uniform for the 4 year levels that will still be wearing them next year.
College uniform is ordered through Noone Shepparton. Please see below for more details.
The College uniform reflects the pride and respect you have for yourself and for the College. Students are expected to follow the below guidelines:
*College backpacks are compulsory for all students.
School hats are compulsory for Terms 1 and 4.
The PE uniform is only worn on days when you have a double PE class or double VET Sport and Recreation class timetabled.
Tattoos are discouraged and are to be kept covered.
Make-up is discouraged, but if worn should be natural and unobtrusive.
Nails should be natural or with clear nail polish.
Hair accessories in school colours maroon, sky blue, grey, (navy for Year 12's).
Hair styles should be appropriate (styles such as - dreadlocks and mohawks are examples of what is considered inappropriate). Hair colours should be natural.
Facial Hair. Students are expected to be clean shaven. However, if for religious reasons this is not possible, you must make an appointment with Mr John Cortese for this to be approved.
Second-hand uniform items can be purchased and sold through the Sustainable School Shop.