The Wellbeing Support Service seeks to enhance the wellbeing capacity of our community through the values of authenticity, empathy, inclusivity, collaboration and service. Psychologists, Social Workers and Counsellors provide a range of services to students who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties.
The services we provide include individual counselling for students, limited counselling support for families, liaison with staff, and small group work. The Wellbeing Support Service also present across the College during classtime on a range of topics which include healthy relationships, looking after our mental health, and how to build positive wellbeing.
As always, the Wellbeing Support Service is available to support students and can be easily reached by emailing:
Heather Turnbull, Vanessa Sleeth, Peter Garla, Lori Parmley, Meagan Gray and Donna Bradley.
Look after each other and stay connected
Referral to counselling services or wellbeing support is typically made through the student’s Head of House in consultation with the student and parents/carers. Students can also self-refer by making an appointment directly with a specific member of the Wellbeing Support Service Team via email. Students use the following email address to initiate contact with the Wellbeing Support Service: when seeking support from any one of the Wellbeing Support team members.
At Knight Street students can see Megan, Peter, Donna, Vanessa, Heather or Lori. Heather and Peter also provide services to the students at Emmaus.
The counselling service offered through the College Wellbeing Support Service is confidential. This means that a conversation had with a counsellor is private. Discussions with students are treated with dignity and respect, without discrimination or judgement.
By law, counsellors and psychologists have to keep most of what they are told confidential. A counsellor will talk to students about confidentiality in their first session. Students are encouraged to ask if they have any queries about it.
In certain cases, a counsellor may need to break confidentiality if they are concerned about the student’s safety or the safety of someone else. A counsellor may also discuss with a student the need to speak to somebody in relation to this.
Before a counsellor can speak to an outside service, written consent is usually required before communication can be made to that service.
Counselling records are stored securely and confidentially.
Any queries about the College Wellbeing Support Service can be directed to the student's Head of House or to Megan Gray, Director of Wellbeing.
Please note: The Wellbeing Support Service does not usually operate outside of school hours (eg. weekends or school holidays). Therefore, you or your son or daughter will need to seek support from another wellbeing service within the community.
The following contact details may be of assistance to you: